Gudetama Tap! Wiki

No. 1 ~ 100[]

No. Image Name
1 Egg Egg
2 Bad Egg Bad Egg
3 Burnt Egg Burnt Egg
4 Hard Boiled Hard Boiled
5 Sliced Egg Sliced Egg
6 Raw Egg Raw Egg
7 Over Easy Egg Over Easy Egg
8 Homebody Egg Homebody Egg
9 Slumber Egg Slumber Egg
10 Masked Egg Masked Egg
11 Kozuyu Egg Kozuyu Egg
12 Gossip Egg Gossip Egg
13 Cream Puff Cream Puff
14 Troublegg Troublegg
15 Sakura Mochi Sakura Mochi
16 Egglasses Egglasses
17 Sticky Yam Rice Sticky Yam Rice
18 Caesar Salad Caesar Salad
19 Egg Sushi Egg Sushi
20 Sponge Cake Sponge Cake
21 Eggs n Rice Eggs n Rice
22 Eggs Benedict Eggs Benedict
23 Datemaki Egg Datemaki Egg
24 Sunny Side Up Sunny Side Up
25 Brik Egg Brik Egg
26 Horseback Egg Horseback Egg
27 Egg Burger Egg Burger
28 Eggs n Toast Eggs n Toast
29 Maid Egg Maid Egg
30 Rice Omelette Rice Omelette
31 Gudecakes Gudecakes
32 Baby Cake Baby Cake
33 Soy Soaked Yolk Soy Soaked Yolk
34 Mime Egg Mime Egg
35 Omelette Omelette
36 Egg Dumpling Egg Dumpling
37 Egg Yakisoba Egg Yakisoba
38 Akashiyaki Akashiyaki
39 Cloud Egg Cloud Egg
40 Ham a Nice Nap Ham a Nice Nap
41 Shitake Toupee Shiitake Toupee
42 Mustachegg Mustachegg
43 Pound Cake Pound Cake
44 Frosted Cookie Frosted Cookie
45 Peeping Egg Peeping Egg
46 Balance Ball Balance Ball
47 Parashell Parashell
48 Popcorn Popcorn
49 Onion Ring Onion Ring
50 Gudetamaro Gudetamaro
51 Pizza Alla Bismark Pizza Alla Bismark
52 Reverse Omelette Reverse Omelette
53 Shy Egg Shy Egg
54 Tamagozake Tamagozake
55 Sandwich Sandwich
56 Natto Natto
57 Roasted Egg Roasted Egg
58 Lettuce Bed Lettuce Bed
59 Flower Egg Flower Egg
60 Chawanmushi Chawanmushi
61 Egg Sushi Serving Egg Sushi Serving
62 Gudegenie Gudegenie
63 Seas of Soy Sauce Seas of Soy Sauce
64 Large Cream Pasta Large Cream Pasta
65 Translucent Egg Translucent Egg
66 Dr. Gudegg Dr. Gudegg
67 Funny Face Egg Funny Face Egg
68 Boiled Egg Boiled Egg
69 Pork Bowl Pork Bowl
70 Udon Udon
71 Broken Egg Broken Egg
72 Roe Roe
73 Shinsengumi Shinsengumi
74 Crepe Egg Crepe Egg
75 Eggdusa Eggdusa
76 Egg Drop Soup Egg Drop Soup
77 Fish n Egg Roll Fish n Egg Roll
78 Dashimaki Rap Dashimaki Rap
79 Statue of Eggberty Statue of Eggberty
80 The Bull The Bull
81 Lunchbox Lunchbox
82 Gudetama Kenji Gudetama Kenji
83 Judotama Judotama
84 Croquette Sandwich Croquette Sandwich
85 Egg Bath Egg Bath
86 Egg Pudding Egg Pudding
87 Oden Egg Oden Egg
88 Miso Soup Egg Miso Soup Egg
89 Stone Pot Bibimbap Stone Pot Bibimbap
90 Gudejelly Gudejelly
91 Cosplay Egg Cosplay Egg
92 Forum Egg Forum Egg
93 Big Gudeburger Big Gudeburger
94 Ikura Don Ikura Don
95 Egg in Shining Armor Egg in Shining Armor
96 Teru Teru Bozu Teru Teru Bozu
97 Tea Egg Tea Egg
98 Spoon Egg Spoon Egg
99 Golden Gudetama Golden Gudetama

No. 101 ~ 200[]

No. Image Name
101 Eggscaped Sushi Eggscaped Sushi
102 Immovable Gudetama Immovable Gudetama
103 Sliding Behind Sliding Behind
104 Egg Biscuit Egg Biscuit
105 Super Food Super Food
106 Cookie Triplets Cookie Triplets
107 King Cupcake King Cupcake
108 Eggshausted Benedict Eggshausted Benedict
109 Eggshausted Egg Eggshausted Egg
110 Popover Popover
111 Mohnkuchen Mohnkuchen
112 Gudeburger Gudeburger
113 Computegg Computegg
114 Robot Egg Robot Egg
115 Lebkuchen Lebkuchen
116 Hyottoko Hyottoko
117 Gude Vacation Gude Vacation
118 Macaron (50% off) Macaron (50% off)
119 American Breakfast American Breakfast
120 Hawaiian Pancakes Hawaiian Pancakes
121 Bacon Egg (Too hot) Bacon Egg (Too hot)
122 Party Platter Party Platter
123 Homeward Bound Homeward Bound
124 Little Red Gude Hood Little Red Gude Hood
125 Bewitching Omelette Rice Bewitching Omelette Rice
126 Hanton Rice Hanton Rice
127 Bitter Melon Chanpuru Bitter Melon Chanpuru
128 Identification Shell Identification Shell
129 Meringue Meringue
130 Egg White Egg White
131 Surfer Egg Surfer Egg
132 Tamagodon Tamagodon
133 Awakened Egg Awakened Egg
134 Tossing and Turning Tossing and Turning
135 Pudding (Farm Fresh) Pudding (Farm Fresh)
136 Roast Beef Bowl Roast Beef Bowl
137 Soft-Boiled Egg Soft-Boiled Egg
138 Languid Egg Languid Egg
139 Thomas Gudeson Thomas Gudeson
140 Gold Leaf Paper Gold Leaf Paper
141 Irritated Egg Irritated Egg
142 Gudewara no Michizane Gudewara no Michizane
143 Egg Caddy Egg Caddy
144 Son Goku Son Goku
145 Conductegg Conductegg
146 Gude Watch Gude Watch
147 Bacon Egg (Beach) Bacon Egg (Beach)
148 Gudetama Goldfish Gudetama Goldfish
149 Kappa Egg Sushi Kappa Egg Sushi
150 Bully Egg Bully Egg
151 Gudepoleon Gudepoleon
152 Gudetama Voice Gudetama Voice
153 Quail n Bacon Blade Quail n Bacon Blade
154 Asparagus Egg Asparagus Egg
155 Drum Major Egg Drum Major Egg
156 Graceful Gudetama Graceful Gudetama
157 Tea Over Rice Tea Over Rice
158 Tsurugi GEOR Tsurugi GEOR
159 Tumble Egg Tumble Egg
160 Cold Miso Soup Cold Miso Soup
161 Gaudy Gudetama Gaudy Gudetama
162 Ishinomaki Soba Ishinomaki Soba
163 Festivegg Festivegg
164 Mayonnaise Mayonnaise
165 Gude Kotatsu Gude Kotatsu
166 Pollack Roe Pollack Roe
167 Gude Bunny Gude Bunny
168 Bacon Egg (Layers) Bacon Egg (Layers)
169 Egg and Sausage Egg and Sausage
170 Inked Egg Inked Egg
171 Steamed Egg Steamed Egg
172 Cradled Egg Cradled Egg
173 Ninja-egg Ninja-egg
174 Rapper Egg Rapper Egg
175 Niratama Niratama
176 Prankstegg Prankstegg
177 Ready for Rain Ready for Rain
178 Super Stylish Super Stylish
179 King Gudetama King Gudetama
180 Fairy Gudemother Fairy Gudemother
181 Scrambled Gudetama Scrambled Gudetama
182 Fried Egg Fried Egg
183 Colossal Eggbot Colossal Eggbot
184 Sneezy Egg Sneezy Egg
185 Gude Art Gude Art
186 Fortune Egg Fortune Egg
187 Epiphany Egg Epiphany Egg
188 Egg Face Mask Egg Face Mask
189 Computegg (Asleep) Computegg (Asleep)
190 Egg Sushi Suitcase Egg Sushi Suitcase
191 Breakfast Set A Breakfast Set A
192 Seaweed Suit Seaweed Suit
193 Symphony Conductegg Symphony Conductegg
194 Egg Bread Egg Bread
195 Creme Bruleegg Creme Bruleegg
196 Canapegg Canapegg
197 Asparagus Pillow Asparagus Pillow
198 Fossil Gudetama Fossil Gudetama
199 Cocotte Cocotte
200 Metalegg Metalegg

No. 201 ~ 300[]

No. Image Name
201 Igloo EOR Igloo EOR
202 Natto Afro Natto Afro
203 Fettuccine Fettuccine
204 Gudetama Cocktail Gudetama Cocktail
205 Studyegg Studyegg
206 Gudetama Fan Gudetama Fan
207 T-shirt T-shirt
208 Yukata Egg Yukata Egg
209 Gudetarou Gudetarou
210 Gude Rene Gude Rene
211 Gude Gang Gude Gang
212 Curryegg Curryegg
213 Sukiyaki Sukiyaki
214 Kamatama Udon Kamatama Udon
215 Avocado Egg Avocado Egg
216 Kesennuma Ramen Kesennuma Ramen
217 Ise Udon Ise Udon
218 Sailor Egg (Splash) Sailor Egg (Splash)
219 Pearl Gudetama Pearl Gudetama
220 Ryoma Gudemoto Ryoma Gudemoto
221 Red Konjac Pillow Red Konjac Pillow
222 Bungee Bungee
223 In the Natto In the Natto
224 Gude Kyuji Gude Kyuji
225 Cheeseburger Gudetama Cheeseburger Gudetama
226 Baumkuchen Baumkuchen
227 Raw Egg Drink Raw Egg Drink
228 Flowerpot Flowerpot
229 Ham Dress Ham Dress
230 Gude Granny Gude Granny
231 Hot Bun Pillow Hot Bun Pillow
232 Shredegg Shredegg
233 Unpermitted Egg Unpermitted Egg
234 Easter Egg Easter Egg
235 Dashimaki Plate Dashimaki Plate
236 Gude Senbei Gude Senbei
237 Sleepy Egg Sleepy Egg
238 Pudding Pudding
239 Antenna Gudetama Antenna Gudetama
240 Ghost Egg Ghost Egg
241 Funazushi Funazushi
242 Tamagokarayaki Tamagokarayaki
243 Amaterasu Gudetama Amaterasu Gudetama
244 Custard Rice Cake Custard Rice Cake
245 Quail Egg Rice Quail Egg Rice
246 Mille Crêpe Mille Crêpe
247 This is Fine... This is Fine...
248 Gude Summer Gude Summer
249 Hearty Eggs Hearty Eggs
250 Boiled-Egg Onigiri Boiled-Egg Onigiri
251 Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty
252 Dimpled Egg Dimpled Egg
253 Yonezawa Beef Yonezawa Beef
254 Boiled Egg Alliance Boiled Egg Alliance
255 Herring Roe Herring Roe
256 Swiss Roll Swiss Roll
257 Seashell Bikini Seashell Bikini
258 Fan Fan
259 Ribbon Ribbon
260 Seaweed Kabuto Seaweed Kabuto
261 Spike-Boiled Egg Spike-Boiled Egg
262 Red Caviar Red Caviar
263 Underpants Underpants
264 Dangling Egg Dangling Egg
265 Boxing Gudetama Boxing Gudetama
266 Resolute Gudetama Resolute Gudetama
267 See Through Gudetama See Through Gudetama
268 Egg in a Blanket Egg in a Blanket
269 Sailor Egg (Nap) Sailor Egg (Nap)
270 Footsies Footsies
271 Suspicious Egg Suspicious Egg
272 Lemon Yellow Gude Ranger Lemon Yellow Gude Ranger
273 Boiled-Egg Onigiri Rapper Boiled-Egg Onigiri Rapper
274 Croque-madame Croque-madame
275 Gude Egg Gude Egg
276 Undercut Undercut
277 Boxing Gudetama (Done) Boxing Gudetama (Done)
279 Comediegg Comediegg
280 Former Ninja-egg Former Ninja-egg
281 Funny Face Egg Ver. 2 Funny Face Egg Ver. 2
282 Kanitama Kanitama
283 Piccata Piccata
284 French Toast French Toast
285 Soy Fish Body Pillow Soy Fish Body Pillow
286 Bubble Butt Bubble Butt
287 Egg Candle Egg Candle
288 Loaded Omelette Loaded Omelette
289 Sata Andagi Sata Andagi
290 Egg Sushi (Slide) Egg Sushi (Slide)
291 Milkshake Milkshake
292 Monstegg Monstegg
293 Sakura Mochi (Undies) Sakura Mochi (Undies)
294 Ninja-egg (Ninja-egg Art Hide) Ninja-egg (Ninja-egg Art: Hide)
295 Gude Balloons Gude Balloons
296 Eggshellman Eggshellman
297 Looking Up Looking Up
298 Peek-a-Boo Peek-a-Boo
299 Purikura Pudding Purikura Pudding
300 Gudenari Ishida Gudenari Ishida

No. 301 ~ 400[]

No. Image Name
301 Bright Yellow Gude Ranger Bright Yellow Gude Ranger
302 Lucha Libre Lucha Libre
303 Prima Ballerina Prima Ballerina
304 Tempura Set Tempura Set
305 Gude Daikan Gude Daikan
306 Salmon Ikura Don Salmon Ikura Don
307 Hachimaki Hachimaki
308 Flightless... Flightless...
309 Cookies (Plain) Cookies (Plain)
310 Deviled Egg Deviled Egg
311 Niwaka Gudetama Niwaka Gudetama
312 Sasazushi Sasazushi
313 Sea Grapes Sea Grapes
314 Glasses Glasses
315 Headphones Headphones
316 Egg Sushi (Feeling Free) Egg Sushi (Feeling Free)
317 Gude Fake Bunny Gude Fake Bunny
318 Thai Ramen Thai Ramen
319 Yellow Gude Ranger Yellow Gude Ranger
320 Computegg (Shopping) Computegg (Shopping)
321 Metallophone Egg Metallophone Egg
322 Bacon Egg Bacon Egg
323 Raw Egg (Vertical) Raw Egg (Vertical)
324 Rise and Shine Rise and Shine
325 Pointing Gudetama Pointing Gudetama
326 Gude Bus Gude Bus
327 Gude Ghandi Gude Ghandi
328 Cake Salé Cake Salé
329 Dream Pancakes Dream Pancakes
330 Gude Korokke Gude Korokke
331 Pincho Pincho
332 Gude Salmon Zosui Gude Salmon Zosui
333 Plum Tea Over Rice Plum Tea Over Rice
334 Gudetama in Corn Potage Gudetama in Corn Potage
335 Gude Sangria Gude Sangria
336 Fruit Sandwich Fruit Sandwich
337 Royal Ramen Royal Ramen
338 Boiled Chicken Wing Boiled Chicken Wing
339 Fried Oyster Fried Oyster
340 Gude Banh Mi Gude Banh Mi
341 Butter Roll Sandwich Butter Roll Sandwich
342 Galette (Fried Egg) Galette (Fried Egg)
343 Gude Reach Gude Reach
344 Gude Lasagna Gude Lasagna
345 Fruit Popsicle Fruit Popsicle
346 Worry Egg Worry Egg
347 Pollack Roe Jet Pollack Roe Jet
348 Eggcellent Vision Eggcellent Vision
349 Takeda Shingen Takeda Shingen
350 Egg Tofu Egg Tofu
351 Pudding (Manufactured) Pudding (Manufactured)
352 Century Egg Century Egg
353 Gude Easter Bunny Gude Easter Bunny
354 Sunflower Gude Ranger Sunflower Gude Ranger
355 Star-boiled Egg Star-boiled Egg
356 Grade A Egg Grade A Egg
357 Manga Artist Manga Artist
358 Katsuo Tataki Bowl Katsuo Tataki Bowl
359 Snow Globe Snow Globe
360 Dandelion Gude Ranger Dandelion Gude Ranger
361 Pollack Roe Boat Pollack Roe Boat
362 Pollack Roe Siblings Pollack Roe Siblings
363 Steamed Cake Steamed Cake
364 Kinkaku & Ginkaku Kinkaku & Ginkaku
365 Mont Blanc Mont Blanc
366 Kasekuchen Kasekuchen
367 Salmon Set Salmon Set
368 Nira Necktie Nira Necktie
369 Eggshell Hood Eggshell Hood
370 Gude Stamp Gude Stamp
371 Indecisive Gudetama Indecisive Gudetama
372 Natto (Stop It~) Natto (Stop It~)
373 Gyeran-jjim Gyeran-jjim
374 Cafe Omlette Rice Cafe Omlette Rice
375 Unidon Unidon
376 Shrimp Bucket Shrimp Bucket
377 Gude Tempura Bowl Gude Tempura Bowl
378 Venus Gudetama Venus Gudetama
379 Butter Miso Ramen Butter Miso Ramen
380 Ice Cream Pancakes Ice Cream Pancakes
381 Stained Glass Cookies Stained Glass Cookies
382 Egg Kinchaku Egg Kinchaku
383 Doteni Doteni
384 Quail n Bacon Quail n Bacon
385 Ceramic Pot Ceramic Pot
386 Wagashi Wagashi
387 Oyakodon Oyakodon
388 Decisive Egg Decisive Egg
389 Bashful Behind Bashful Behind
390 Steak Steak
391 Karuta Egg Karuta Egg
392 Tempura Soba Tempura Soba
393 Snot Bubble Snot Bubble
394 Salmon Bowl Salmon Bowl
395 Crepe Crepe
396 Egg Carton (Six) Egg Carton (Six)
397 Mushroom Egg Mushroom Egg
398 Pitch Black Pitch Black
399 Egg Off Toast Egg Off Toast
400 Egg in a Lamp Egg in a Lamp

No. 401 ~ 500[]

No. Image Name
401 Oden Oden
402 Egg Tart Egg Tart
403 Quiche Quiche
404 Reverse Egg Reverse Egg
405 Eggs n Ham Eggs n Ham
406 Poke Bowl Poke Bowl
407 Grilled Cheese Curry Grilled Cheese Curry
408 Genie in a Cup Genie in a Cup
409 Quattro Formaggio Quattro Formaggio
410 Tofu Futon Tofu Futon
411 Bamboo Bento Bamboo Bento
412 Ankake Egg Tofu Ankake Egg Tofu
413 Tonkotsu Ramen Tonkotsu Ramen
414 Hiyashi Chuka Hiyashi Chuka
415 Coin Purse Sushi Coin Purse Sushi
416 Pancakes Pancakes
417 Scotch Egg Scotch Egg
418 Black Egg Black Egg
419 Carbonara Carbonara
420 Sundubu-jjigae Sundubu-jjigae
421 Hamburger Hamburger
422 Loco Moco Loco Moco
423 Gapao Gapao
424 Egg Soup Egg Soup
425 Gude Salad Roll Gude Salad Roll
426 Asparagus Hot Spring Asparagus Hot Spring
427 Chicago Style Pizza Chicago Style Pizza
428 Macaroni and Cheese Macaroni and Cheese
429 Chanpon Chanpon
430 Plump Gudetama Plump Gudetama
431 Gyudon Gyudon
432 Cupcake Cupcake
433 Hayashi Omelette Rice Hayashi Omelette Rice
434 Sponge Cake Sponge Cake
435 Gude Stick Gude Stick
436 Fish Sausage Fish Sausage
437 Tartar Saurce Tartar Sauce
438 Yakisoba Yakisoba
439 Chocolate Egg Chocolate Egg
440 Waffle Waffle
441 Chocolate Banana Pancake Chocolate Banana Pancake
442 Girls' Day Eggs Girls' Day Eggs
443 Dango and Noodle Soup Dango and Noodle Soup
444 Ankake Egg Bowl Ankake Egg Bowl
445 Mapo Doufu Mapo Doufu
446 Hot Pot Hot Pot
447 Menacing Bull King Menacing Bull King
448 Gude Bungee Gude Bungee
449 Mentaiko Rice Mentaiko Rice
450 C7B81A46-9601-40B3-93A9-52BCF69633CB Lifeguard
451 0A370EE6-6305-47A9-8BCC-E9A0280234F7 Surfer Egg (Big Wave)
452 Monja-yaki Monja-yaki
453 Galettegg Galettegg
454 Necktiegg Necktiegg
455 Salted Egg Salted Egg
456 Hot Dog Sandwich Hot Dog Sandwich
457 Brown Egg Brown Egg
458 BF074FA4-034D-481A-A357-13C75B32685A Shy Gapao
459 3663D35A-5806-4A82-A51C-8117DF96056D Red Egg
460 ADF34F55-9D4F-4FF1-8DF3-02D05416B2D5 Reversegg
461 Manner Mode Egg Manner Mode Egg
462 Cautious Gudetama Cautious Gudetama
463 Cold Gudetama Cold Gudetama
464 Dangling Egg (Butt) Dangling Egg (Butt)
465 Egg Salad Sandwich Egg Salad Sandwich
466 Brown Sugar Snow Cone Brown Sugar Snow Cone
467 Gude Pigtails Gude Pigtails
468 Gudetama Fortuneteller Gudetama Fortuneteller
469 Match Seller Match Seller
470 Rolled Ice Cream Rolled Ice Cream
471 Fruit Omlette Fruit Omlette
472 Pollack Roe Ribbon Pollack Roe Ribbon
473 Girl Power Gudetama Girl Power Gudetama
474 Plum Sauce Grilled Egg Plum Sauce Grilled Egg
475 Gude Quality Check Gude Quality Check
476 Gude Matcha Gude Matcha
477 Instant Ramen Instant Ramen
478 Gude Presentation Gude Presentation
479 Sound Asleep Sound Asleep
480 Pufferfish Egg Pufferfish Egg
481 Apron Gudetama Apron Gudetama
482 Caviar Caviar
483 Pickled Egg Pickled Egg
484 X-Ray X-Ray
485 You Called You Called?
486 Disciplined Gudetama Disciplined Gudetama
487 Listening Egg Listening Egg
488 Strict Egg Strict Egg
489 Sand Egg Sand Egg
490 Kamatama Soft Serve Kamatama Soft Serve
491 Tempura Soba Pillow Tempura Soba Pillow
492 Japanese Cafe Plate Japanese Cafe Plate
493 Gude Monaka Soup Gude Monaka Soup
494 Hula Hoop Hula Hoop
495 Shaman Egg Shaman Egg
496 Yukichi Gudezawa Yukichi Gudezawa
497 Crab Miso Crab Miso
498 Exploregg Exploregg
499 Three Wise Gudetama Three Wise Gudetama
500 Aries Aries

No. 501 ~ 600[]

No. Image Name
501 Taurus Taurus
502 Gemini Gemini
503 Cancer Cancer
504 Leo Leo
505 Virgo Virgo
506 Libra Libra
507 Scorpio Scorpio
508 Sagittarius Sagittarius
509 Capricorn Capricorn
510 Aquarius Aquarius
511 Pisces Pisces
512 Kenshin Gudesugi Kenshin Gudesugi
513 Gude Mountain Gude Mountain
514 Gude Ocean Gude Ocean
515 Gude Graduate Gude Graduate
516 Golden Bottom Golden Bottom
517 Gude Curry Gude Curry
518 Egg Sushi (New Hair) Egg Sushi (New Hair)
519 Dinosaur Egg Dinosaur Egg
520 Anpan Anpan
521 Hamburg Plate Hamburg Plate
522 Gude Buddha Gude Buddha
523 Train Bento Train Bento
524 Cold Tomato Pasta Cold Tomato Pasta
525 Star Salad Star Salad
526 Gude Lettuce Blanket Gude Lettuce Blanket
527 Star Annin Tofu Star Annin Tofu
528 Chocolate Mint Ice Cream Chocolate Mint Ice Cream
529 Cold Gudetama Cold Gudetama
530 Wrapped Truffle Wrapped Truffle
531 Almond Chocolates Almond Chocolates
532 Heart Macaron Heart Macaron
533 Caponata Caponata
534 Tomato and Egg Stir Fry Tomato and Egg Stir Fry
535 Holland-Fried Eggplant Holland-Fried Eggplant
536 Apple Pudding Apple Pudding
537 Egg in Oden Egg in Oden
538 Sundubu Jjigae Sundubu Jjigae
539 Petit Gateau Petit Gateau
540 Ieyasu Gudegawa Ieyasu Gudegawa
541 Demon Gudetama Demon Gudetama
542 Gudemori Saigo Gudemori Saigo
543 Gudero Katsura Gudero Katsura
544 Ryoma Gudemoto Ryoma Gudemoto
545 Absentmindegg Absentmindegg
546 Tofu and Shiitake Mushroom Ankake Tofu and Shiitake Mushroom Ankake
547 Nikujaga Nikujaga
548 Daikokuten Daikokuten
549 Benzaiten Benzaiten
550 Bishamonten Bishamonten
551 Ebisu Ebisu
552 Fukurokuju Fukurokuju
553 Jurojin Jurojin
554 Hotei Hotei
555 Gude Uemon Gude Uemon
556 Gude Composer Gude Composer
557 Gude Balance Gude Balance
558 Gude Pantyhose Gude Pantyhose
559 Gude Flyer Gude Flyer
560 Curly Haired Gudetama Curly Haired Gudetama
561 Party Horn Party Horn
562 Egg Shell Umbrella Egg Shell Umbrella
563 Gude Egg Boat Gude Egg Boat
564 Egg Salting Egg Salting
565 Green Onion Fried Rice Green Onion Fried Rice
566 Gude Yoga Gude Yoga
567 Wasabi EOR Wasabi EOR
568 Gude Wasabi Mayo Salad Gude Wasabi Mayo Salad
569 Paella Paella
570 Gudetama on Yakisoba Gudetama on Yakisoba
571 Crepe Appetizer Crepe Appetizer
572 Liu Bei Gudetama Liu Bei Gudetama
573 Guan Yu Gudetama Guan Yu Gudetama
574 Zhang Fei Gudetama Zhang Fei Gudetama
575 Gude Back Scratcher Gude Back Scratcher
576 Mayo Shooter Mayo Shooter
577 Ketchup Marker Ketchup Marker
578 Gude Tsukudani Gude Tsukudani
579 Granulated Gudetama Granulated Gudetama
580 Gude Hypnosis Gude Hypnosis
581 Kinshidon Kinshidon
582 Dancing Gudetama Dancing gudetama
583 Gude Drift Gude Drift
584 Gude Violinist Gude Violinist
585 Gude Ukulele Gude Ukulele
586 Gude Lisa Gude Lisa
587 Gude Space Walk Gude Space Walk
588 Gude Pilot Gude Pilot
589 Dying Message Dying Message
590 Gude Money Gude Money
591 Gudeno Imoko Gudeno Imoko
592 Gude Effort Gude Effort
593 Surprised Gudetama Surprised Gudetama
594 Gude Detective Gude Detective
595 Spinning Gudetama Spinning Gudetama
596 Gude Thief Gude Thief
597 Computegg (Egosurfing) Computegg (Egosurfing)
598 Gudehann Christian Bach Gudehann Christian Bach
599 Mushtama Mushtama

No. 601 ~ 700[]

No. Image Name
600 Gude King Gude King
601 Gude Demonstration Gude Demonstration
602 Speed Skater Speed Skater
603 Gude Archer Gude Archer
604 Apple Pie Apple Pie
605 Wild vegetables with soba Wild Vegetables with Soba
606 Gude wild vegetable fry Gude Wild Vegetable Fry
607 Wild Vegetable Inari Wild Vegetable Inari
608 Mushroom udon Mushroom Udon
609 Gude Buttered Eryngii Gude Buttered Eryngii
610 Skewered Egg Skewered Egg
611 Halloween Egg Halloween Egg
612 Pumpkin Rider Pumpkin Rider
613 Streuselkuchen Streuselkuchen
614 Strawberry Shortcake Strawberry Shortcake
615 Kitsune Soba Kitsune Soba
616 Tough Egg Bath Tough Egg Bath
617 Rakugo Gudetama Rakugo Gudetama
618 Mint Chocolate Cake Mint Chocolate Cake
619 Traffic Egg Light Traffic Egg Light
620 Sponge Cake Assortment Sponge Cake Assortment
621 Chopstick Lights Chopstick Lights
622 Gude Quality Chocolate Gude Quality Chocolate
623 Gude Measurements Gude Measurements
624 Half Blanket Half Blanket
625 Effortless Egg Effortless Egg
626 Gude Twins Gude Twins
627 Fried Donut Fried Donut
628 Jajangmyeon Jajangmyeon
629 Pannukakku Pannukakku
630 Gude Toast Gude Toast
631 Meat Wrapped Egg Meat Wrapped Egg
632 China Gudetama China Gudetama
633 Gude Ebi Chili Gude Ebi Chili
634 Congee Congee
635 Angel Food Cake Angel Food Cake
636 Pull-Apart Bread Pull-Apart Bread
637 Packed Sancwich Packed Sancwich
638 Sakura Jelly Sakura Jelly
639 Sakura Soba Sakura Soba
640 Nanohana Egg Scramble Nanohana Egg Scramble
641 Spring Vegetable Salad Spring Vegetable Salad
642 Sakura Parfait Sakura Parfait
643 Shark Fin Shark Fin
644 Gude Wig Gude Wig
645 Nasi Goreng Nasi Goreng
646 Gyoza Gyoza
647 Gudetama and Moai Gudetama and Moai
648 Bird Egg Bird Egg
649 Toasty Oden Toasty Oden
650 Onion Ring Hula Hoop Onion Ring Hula Hoop
651 Gude Shaved Ice Gude Shaved Ice
652 Freshly Made Bed Freshly Made Bed
653 Gude Popcorn Gude Popcorn
654 Gudetama and Marimo Gudetama and Marimo
655 Gude Slice Gude Slice
656 Pablo Gudecasso Pablo Gudecasso
657 Aloha, Gudetama Aloha, Gudetama
658 Gude Shortcake Gude Shortcake
659 Overheated Egg Overheated Egg
660 Gude Day Off Gude Day Off
661 Gude Sashimi Gude Sashimi
662 Sleepyhead Sleepyhead
663 Sleepy Omlette Sleepy Omlette
664 Lost Egg Lost Egg
665 Hitchhiker Hitchhiker
666 Flying Bun Flying Bun
667 Hidden Gudetama Hidden Gudetama
668 Furikake EOR Furikake EOR
669 Gude Snuggle Gude Snuggle
670 Rocking Out Rocking Out
671 Avocado Potage Avocado Potage
672 Bliss Ball Bliss Ball
673 Layered Ice Cream Cake Layered Ice Cream Cake
674 Gateau Magic Gateau Magic
675 Omlette Rice Star Omlette Rice Star
676 Meringue EOR Meringue EOR
677 Reclining gudetama Reclining gudetama
678 Mu Sate gude Mu Sate gude
679 Gude Green Curry gude Green Curry
680 Refreshing gudetama Refreshing gudetama
681 Gude Gado-Gado gude Gado-Gado
682 Gude Halo-Halo gude Halo-Halo
683 Issun gudetama Issun gudetama
684 Scholarly gudetama Scholarly gudetama
685 Half-Baked gudetama Half-Baked gudetama
686 Adventuregg Adventuregg
687 Clingy gudetama Clingy gudetama
688 Phantom gudetama Phantom gudetama
689 Gudetama Payment gudetama Payment
690 Taxpayer gudetama Taxpayer gudetama
691 Jurassic Egg Jurassic Egg
692 Taisho Romance gudetama Taisho Romance gudetama
693 Larger Than Life Onigiri Larger Than Life Onigiri
694 Tidy Egg Tidy Egg
695 Rap Pudding Parfait Rap Pudding Parfait
696 Lullaby Serenegg Lullaby Serenegg
697 Gudetama Unleashed gudetama Unleashed
698 Seaweed Bikini Seaweed Bikini
699 Slip and Slidegg Slip and Slidegg
700 Special Ramen Special Ramen

No. 701 ~ 800[]

No. Image Name
701 Zazen gudetama Zazen gudetama
702 Gudetama Bomb gudetama Bomb
703 Tofuyou Tofuyou
704 Goya gudetama Goya gudetama
705 Mars gudetama Mars gudetama
706 Okinawan Zenzai Okinawan Zenzai
707 Tomato gudetama Tomato gudetama
708 Basil Moustachegg Basil Moustachegg
709 Doria Doria
710 Diving gudetama Diving gudetama
711 Churros Churros
712 Galette des Rois Galette des Rois
713 Seafood Bowl Seafood Bowl
714 Red Broth Onigiri Red Broth Onigiri
715 Red Broth Quail Eggs Red Broth Quail Eggs
716 Mozuku Vinegar Mozuku Vinegar
717 Potato salad Potato salad
718 Gude Karaage Gude Karaage
719 Strength Training Strength Training
720 Abandonegg Abandonegg
721 Bubble Butt Appeal Bubble Butt Appeal
722 Pop goes the gudetama Pop goes the gudetama
723 Press Conferencegg Press Conferencegg
724 Hiking gudetama Hiking gudetama
725 Crossword gudetama Crossword gudetama
726 Coquettegg Coquettegg
727 Gudetama in Coffin gudetama in Coffin
728 Squished gudetama Squished gudetama
729 Kindergarten gudetama Kindergarten gudetama
730 Egghausted Ninja Egghausted Ninja
731 Golden Gude Omikoshi Golden Gude Omikoshi
732 Totem Egg (Niwaka) Totem Egg (Niwaka)
733 Ice Skategg Ice Skategg
734 Armrest gudetama Armrest gudetama
735 Slope gudetama Slope gudetama
736 Roasted Chicken Roasted Chicken
737 Ningyo-yaki Ningyo-yaki
738 Momiji Manju Momiji Manju
739 Kagami Mochi gude Kagami Mochi gude
740 Nanakusa-gayu Nanakusa-gayu
741 Mabo Nasubi Mabo Nasubi
742 Mummy gudetama Mummy gudetama
743 Bum Tree Bum Tree
744 Halloween Cupcake Halloween Cupcake
745 Mussels Mussels
746 Gude Afro Glasses Gude Afro Glasses
747 DJ gudetama DJ gudetama
748 Dancing gudetama2 Dancing gudetama
749 Laid-back Egg Laid-back Egg
750 Musubi Konbu Musubi Konbu
751 Tiedan Tiedan
752 Personal Computegg (SNS) Personal Computegg (SNS)
753 Miso Pickled gudetama Miso Pickled gudetama
754 Luxury Chawanmushi Luxury Chawanmushi
755 Egg Garnish Egg Garnish
756 Egg Drop Soup Egg Drop Soup (Cup)
757 Fried Shrimp Fried Shrimp
758 Drowsy gudetama Drowsy gudetama
759 Arancini Arancini
760 Pot Pie Pot Pie
761 Enlightened gudetama Enlightened gudetama
762 Egg Yolk Anko Egg Yolk Anko
763 Golden Butter Mochi Golden Butter Mochi
764 Soft-Boiled Onigiri Soft-Boiled Onigiri
765 Criminal gudetama Criminal gudetama
766 Gudetama Arms Up gudetama Arms Up
767 Eyestrain gudetama Eyestrain gudetama
768 Fresh Salad Fresh Salad
769 Matriarch gudetama Matriarch gudetama
770 Fitness Egg Fitness Egg
771 Strawberry Tart Strawberry Tart
772 Strawberry Mousse Cake Strawberry Mousse Cake
773 Gudetama in bowl gudetama in bowl
774 Bacon Egg Tamagoyaki Bacon Egg Tamagoyaki
775 Boyscout gudetama Boyscout gudetama
776 Eggs and Pancakes Eggs and Pancakes
777 Stuck Insidegg Stuck Insidegg
778 Slow gudetama Slow gudetama
779 Stirred Natto Stirred Natto
780 Handstand Eggstand Handstand Eggstand
781 Smile Practicegg Smile Practicegg
782 Oyakodon (Hard Boiled) Oyakodon (Hard Boiled)
783 Japancake Japancake
784 Bobsled Carton Bobsled Carton
785 Fundoshi gudetama Fundoshi gudetama
786 Souffle Omelette Souffle Omelette
787 Overindulgegg Overindulgegg
788 Last Glancegg Last Glancegg
789 Zero Calorie gudetama Zero Calorie gudetama
790 Crab Broth gudetama Crab Broth gudetama
791 Gudemura Sanada Gudemura Sanada
792 Zunda Egg Zunda Egg
793 Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte
794 Bacon Egg (Santa) Bacon Egg (Santa)
795 Gude Reindeer Gude Reindeer
796 Santa gudetama Santa Gudetama
797 Christmas Cake Christmas Cake
798 Heavenly Chalaza Heavenly Chalaza
799 Gude Present Gude Present
800 Gudetama Firecracker Gudetama Firecracker

No. 801 ~ 900[]

No. Image Name
801 Hot Pot Yakiudon Hot Pot Yakiudon
802 Easter gudetama Easter gudetama
803 Ornamentegg Ornamentegg
804 Sewing Shears Sewing Shears
805 Chicken Jet Chicken Jet
806 Cooking Prep gudetama Cooking Prep gudetama